We’re so glad you’re interested in joining us in transforming the world through your discipleship!

Learn more about how The United Methodist Church, with your help, is creating a more just world at www.umcjustice.org

We are trying a more efficient way to give you the opportunity to sign up to volunteer with upcoming events like Messy Church, Youth Group, and other discipleship and outreach programs. In the link below, you’ll find “slots” for all of these opportunities. You can also share this link with anyone. When you sign up, you’ll get a handy reminder sent to you 2 days before each program. 

Go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B45A5AB2BA1FE3-44684967-fall

We hope this will help you to organize your calendar, find balance in all that you do, and help us to make sure we have the adults we need for ministries we offer our community. Thank you for all you do to help with this!

“Feed the Kids”

Food Collection  & Monetary Donations Accepted Now

Bag PackingSunday, July 14, 11 am, Gathering Place

Bag DistributionMonday July 15, 5 pm, Christ United Church (23114 West Rd, Olmsted Falls, 44138)

It’s our turn to help “feed the kids” this summer by providing three days worth of meals to our food insecure kids.  Please help in these ways as you are able:

1. Donate food. We will need:

  • breakfast items (like pop tarts or cereal),
  • lunch items  (like individual serve pasta, easy mac, etc.),
  • dinner items (like cup-o-noodles, canned meat, soup, etc.),
  • fruit cups/pouches, and snacks.

Keep in mind that easy to prepare or zero-preparation foods make it easier for children. We are preparing at least 100 bags so the need is great!

2. Donate monetarily through the church finance office or online at umcb.org/donate.  Be sure to designate your gift for “Feed the Kids”

3. Help bag up the food at 11 am on Sunday, July 14.  Let’s beat last year’s record – we packed 100 bags in 21 minutes! Many hands make light work!

4. Help distribute the bags to families on July 15 at Christ United Church (23114 West Rd, Olmsted Falls, 44138).  Distribution begins at 5 pm.

For more information or to sign up for the bag distribution on July 15, please contact Pastor Carrie at cantczak@umcb.org  or 440-234-3525 x105.

Thank you for your generosity!

The First & Third Wednesday of the Month, 10 am – Noon, Room 34

I am so excited to share a new ministry at UMCB. This will be an expansion of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. We don’t have a lot of details yet, but we do have lots of ideas! Have you ever been part of a sewing circle? Or a group where you gather to do crafts? It’s fun, isn’t it! Just imagine having a room where you can go to learn about sewing, or to gather with friends as you tackle a new sewing project and make things for charity.

We’ve been talking about it for months and now we have a room – Room 34 on the 3rd floor! It is easily accessible by elevator. We’ll gather in our sewing room and create. We’ll knit, crochet, sew and we will give away what we have made. Pillow cases for hospitalized kids (https://caseforsmiles.org/), clothing protectors for a nursing home, the list of possible projects is endless. We also want to have sewing workshops for the youth in our community. No, you do not need to be an expert seamstress to join us! We’re all about learning and sharing and having fun while we create items to give away.

What do we need and when do we start?

  • We need people from UMCB and people from the community! People to create and people to help us lead sewing workshops for youth.   Several of us are already bringing in sewing supplies and planning sewing projects!
  • Of course, we need your prayers.
  • People have already graciously offered us supplies (thank you!!!). We’ll let people know other needs soon.
  • The prayer shawl ministry has already started meeting in Room 34.  Group sewing dates will be publicized well before they happen.

If you are interested in participating or have items you’d like to donate, I’d love to talk with you! Please see me (Rev. Linda McCowen) at church on Sunday mornings before or after our blended worship service or contact me at 440-234-7211 or Lsmccowen@gmail.com.

Metanoia Project Partnership

This year both Metanoia Project hospitality centers will be located at the same site, in two separate areas.  One area will have beds for 20 overnight guests, and the other will accommodate 15.  As usual, churches and other community groups will supply the evening meal.   All contributions are welcome, but we especially need people who are willing to be part of the serving team. With enough volunteers, we can rotate the teams so you don’t have to do it every time. We are signed up for two or three meals a month, through April 13.  A schedule is available by request.

Please see Laura Rushton or contact her at jlaurush@gmail.com  or  567-303-1954 if you are interested in being part of this effort.

 Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who have made the commitment to provide food and fellowship for Clevelanders experiencing homelessness. Christ’s spirit is very much alive in this ministry!

Our Food Ministries

Our congregation has always been generous in caring for those who are food insecure.  The Missions Committee would like to update you on this ministry. 

What do we collect? We continue to accept donations of all non-perishable food, and household necessities (like soap, detergent, paper products).  The United Women in Faith (UMW) promote a monthly themed donation suggestion.  This month will be soup or ready-to-eat canned meals. (For details, see page 12.)

Where do donations go? All of these donations are given to Second Mile Ministries which serves our area with a food pantry and more.  On very rare occasions, a neighbor will come by the church in need of emergency food assistance.  Pastors are given the blessing of the committee to give from what is currently available. 

Where do we put donations? General donations go to “Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard” which is next to the sanctuary in a closet. Please put items on the shelves so as to keep them in good condition for donation.  Donations for the themed donation with United Women in Faith should go in a bin near the outreach board.  Please stay tuned though – we are in the midst of creating a consolidated giving point for all mission donations. 

Are there other opportunities to help those in need of food?

Yes! We provide meals for those who are unhoused with the Metanoia Project throughout the winter months. If you’d like to help cook or serve,please contact Laura Rushton (jlaurush@gmail.com). 

Each year, we also sponsor a community meal that takes place at St. Paul’s. We usually do this in September. We also look forward to providing meals for children over the summer. Our week to serve will be in July. 

What if I need help? If you are in need of food assistance, please contact one of our pastors who will help you get in touch with Second Mile Ministries, Berea Community Outreach, and other organizations which are blessed to help you. 

Peace and Blessings, The Missions Committee

The First Sunday of Each Month, 10-11 am, outside the Parlor

Your purchase helps provide a fare wage for those who work hard to grow these food items in a way that does not harm God’s creation.  

Grindstone Elementary & OhioGuidestone Family Services.

We continue our in-person service with our mission partners, Grindstone Elementary School, and OhioGuidestone Family Services. You also are encouraged to support them with your prayers and financial donations which can be made through the church by clicking here.

For more information on any of these outreach opportunities, contact Pastor Carrie at cantczak@umcb.org

Click here for information about Local Partnerships like OhioGuidestone and Grindstone Elementary.

Click here for information about Regional Partnerships such as UMCOR Sager Brown or  Youth Work Mission.

Click here for information about Global Partnerships in places around the world, like Cambodia and Guatemala.

Have questions about one of our outreach opportunities? Not sure who to ask?

Click here for our Lay-Supported Ministries Database, a list of the contact persons for our lay-supported ministries and outreach programs.