Welcome to Baldwin Wallace University, to Berea, and to our church. Some of you have been here before, and others have not. Either way, you are invited to join us. Our church has a long history with Baldwin-Wallace College. We would love for you to come be a part of our church family.  Please browse through the site and let us know if you have any questions. You can use either of two simple methods: send us an email, or stop by in person and ask.

We invite you to join us for worship.  Please click here to see our worship schedule and additional worship resources.

The mission of our ministry is to connect students to the life and love of God through fellowship, discipleship, and social justice. At the core, the ministry seeks to serve as a platform for people of all backgrounds and identities to explore or reintroduce themselves to Christianity. 

If you have questions, contact Judy Hammer, Campus Minister, at theporch@umcb.org or 216-832-8817.

The Porch Ministry Activities

Annual Retreat

The annual retreat is a celebration of the end of the academic year for BW students. Attendees reflected on life experiences and their spiritual growth throughout the year. Students enjoyed a group meal, music selections, meaningful dialogue and a reflective nature walk alongside Pastor Stephen Knisely. 

Salient Identities reflection activity

Retreat Participants

Elizabeth Philpot sings with Pastor Steve

Blessing of the Brains

Blessing of the Brains is an event for students to seek prayer and encouragement during finals week. Students from all backgrounds and identities are welcome at this event to share their joys and concerns about the academic year. Student ministers engage in table conversations to create relationships with students and facilitate prayer over final exams and returning home to family. 

Praise Party

The Praise Party is the ministry’s largest annual event. The intention of the event is to gather students who are already believers of Christ, as well as newcomers and those exploring religion. The event is intended to foster fellowship and fun in a contemporary style that appeals to the current generation. The first annual Praise Party included a DJ, food catering, game hosting stations, and student speakers who shared powerful testimonials. to build relationships with the BW community.

Campus ministry partners share about their organization.

Students dance to the “Church Clap” song.

Students dive into a conversation inspired by the Book of Mark

Fellowship Hour

Fellowship hour takes place midweek in the BW campus Cafe. It is a time for students to pause from their studies during the week and be among peers going through their spiritual journeys. It is a place where seekers can come as they are to find a community to explore their faith. The discussion leader typically prepares a short topic or message to discuss, followed by each person sharing a Bible verse relevant to what they are currently experiencing. Fellowship Hour ends by a group prayer aloud, where each person prays for the person next to them. 

Open Bible Study

The Porch hosts bi-weekly Bible study at The UMCB open to all BW students. It is  located in the library next to the Gathering Place.  This is a beginner-friendly way to study scripture,  ask questions and speak openly about topics in Christianity and the larger world.  

Table Ministry

Weekly tabling is part of our outreach efforts to share the Gospel with students and to build relationships with the BW community. Our approach is to use a question of the day to encourage conversation about the Good News and a message relatable to things college students experience. Therapy dogs Lulu & Strudel also provide a comforting resting place for students passing by.  The table ministry is also where we give away free Bibles and promote The UMCB and The Porch events. 

A friendly face at the weekly tabling event

Free Bibles are available to anyone

Visiting with Lulu & Strudel

Connecting with the BW interfaith community + More!

Student Ministers represent The Porch at 2024 Eboo Patel Interfaith Lecture event

The porch has fostered relationships with various campus offices to make an impact on the broader BW community. This past academic year, we have collaborated with Catholic Jackets for an Ash Wednesday ceremony and the office of spiritual life for campus prayer walks. In the future we are planning to partner with BW offices to facilitate dialogue around the topics of interfaith and the intersectionalities of Christianity and the LGBTQ+ community.

The UMCB congregation donates 100+ school supply items to Porch partnership with BW first-generation council

About Our Staff

Judy Hammer, Campus Minister

Judy Hammer is a life-long learner and teacher, who strives daily to live as Jesus commands us to “Love one another” (John 13;34). While she spent her career in higher education as a teacher and administrator, later in life, she felt called to redirect her life to serving God by earning a degree in pastoral counseling and then working as the campus liaison for the CWRU Interreligious Council and as a coordinator of youth ministry at a local church.  She feels completely blessed to be here as part of The Porch team. Favorite Things to Do:  teaching college English courses for those newly arrived to the USA, riding on a motorcycle down country roads, taking art courses to explore a new found love of painting, and tending to the garden and backyard pond–home to a bale of turtles, including Henry, Charlotte, Leonard, and Thomas!

Mia Basit-Hightower

  • YEAR: Senior
  • MAJOR: Political Science major, Legal Studies Minor, Statistics Honors Concentration
  • ROLE: President
  • JOURNEY TO MINISTRY: The Porch is a community where I feel welcomed and thoroughly supported. Since walking through those red doors in 2021, I have given my life to Christ and developed close relationships with members of UMCB. I joined the ministry out of desire to grow spiritually and gain a community. It has been very fulfilling to share my testimony with other young college students and help them on their journey with God. 


Austin Nye

  • YEAR: Sophomore
  • MAJOR: History and Political Science
  • ROLE: Vice President
  • JOURNEY TO MINISTRY: I look forward to furthering my own spiritual journey and mentoring others in building a relationship with God.

Elena Pieplow

  • YEAR: Sophomore
  • MAJOR: Bassoon Performance
  • ROLE: Secretary
  • JOURNEY TO MINISTRY: The Porch is a loving community willing to support humans all around. I’m glad to be a part of it and challenge myself and others to discuss life’s questions. It is also a great way to serve and honor God in the midst of working with others. I appreciate the Porch group and am excited to be a part of it this coming year!