Join our Music Ministry

The Choir

All are welcome, regardless of musical experience. Whether you’re looking for a fulfilling musical experience or just a chance to be a part of a wonderful community of people, joining choir could be the perfect fit! Have some conflicts? No worries, come when you can. If you are not sure whether or not you’d like to join, come to a rehearsal and see if choir is for you!

The Choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7 PM in the Parlor and Sunday mornings at 8:15 am in the Sanctuary. They sing Sunday mornings at the 9 AM worship service.

For more information, please contact Courtney McClain ( or Margaret Proctor (

The Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir is always looking for new joyful ringers, and you do not need to have any prior music experience to participate.  The handbell choir rehearses on Thursdays at 6 PM in the Sanctuary.

For more information, please contact Tori Penfound (

The Worship Team

The Worship Team, which helps to lead our 11 AM worship service in Wesley Hall, always is open to welcoming new singers, joining their voices to help the congregation sing praise to God.  For more information, please contact Courtney McClain ( or Pastor Stephen Knisely (

The Organs at The UMCB of Berea

The Chancel Organ – Sanctuary

The Sanctuary Chancel organ, built and installed by Rudolph Janke, Bovenden bei Gottingen, Germany is a 36 stop cone tuned three manual tracker of mildly unequal temperament on 2 ½ inches of wind in a fumed oak case following central German ’Werk Princip’ tradition.

The Balcony Organ – Sanctuary

The Sanctuary balcony organ is a rescue, electrified and installed by church members in 1973.

The Chapel Organ

The Chapel organ is a 6 rank Schantz organ.